Confession about Confession

Jason Aiello

For many years, I was extremely irresponsible with the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Sometime in my early years of working for the Catholic Church, I developed the attitude that it was unnecessary for me to make confession. In my ignorance, I believed that God was going to give me some sort of free ride through life because I worked for the Church. I certainly understood the doctrinal and theological principles of reconciliation, but I didn’t think they applied to me.

After 5 or 6 years of doing this, I began to realize that I might be wrong…

At that point, however, I also realized that I had begun to forget what sin even was. As I continued to avoid confession, I began to read some of the writings of the church fathers and other significant figures in church history. It became frighteningly clear to me that I was treading in dangerous…

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